About us

About us

AXEJOB is a platform that connects qualified freelancers with people who need their services.

The platform contributes to the fight against unemployment in Africa by offering the possibility to all skilled people, who would like to make a profit, to find customers and earn additional income, thus keeping them away from unemployment.

AXEJOB is also a tool that facilitates the task of people who urgently need basic services, those people who are sometimes too overwhelmed by their occupations and who prefer to delegate certain tasks in order to increase their profitability.

The platform puts a particular emphasis on the quality of the service provided by the advertisers because the ads are classified through the system of users’ vote on the advertisers after having benefited from the services, as well as the comments and when several users report an ad, the dishonest advertiser is totally banned from the platform.

Our team is made up of young people from several countries around the world, ambitious and concerned about the social problems that plague our continent, we are open to all contributions and support in order to make the platform evolve and better impact the African population.

If you would like to volunteer to join the adventure or support us, please contact us via our email address or via the form below: